L'Oratorio and l'Auditorium

The Parish Oratory of San Barnaba,

sito nella città di Marino in Via Cairoli,14 , dipende dalla parrocchia di San Barnaba Apostolo della città di Marino, provincia

di Roma, nell'area dei Castelli Romani, diocesi suburbicaria di Albano Laziale.


The Summer Center Since 1997 the custom has begun to organize a summer center in the oratory in July, to create an alternative to private summer centers. During the winter, various courses are active within the oratory structure: football, 5-a-side football, guitar, dance. The oratory has its own official organ of the press which is published occasionally, called Proposte di vita. Two of the parish's four theater companies are operating in the oratory, namely the Nuova Filodrammatica Vittoria Colonna and the theater group of the Oratorio San Barnaba.

For info and registration

dal lunedì al sabato dalle 17.00 alle 19.00 presso l'oratorio (Via Cairoli, 14)

il martedì ed il sabato dalle 9.00 alle 10.00, ed il mercoledì dalle 17.00 alle 18.00 presso l'ufficio parrocchiale (Corso Trieste, 7)

by telephone by contacting Giovanna 39 349 186 7922

From 12 July 2020 the summer center for memberships begins contact Flavia cell ..

Contact us

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We measure our success by the lives we manage to change. These stories are testament to the difference our communities can make when we join forces for lasting change.

The history of the San Barnaba Oratory

L'oratorio venne fondato subito dopo la fine della prima guerra mondiale grazie all'interessamento del futuro servo di Dio Zaccaria Negroni (1899-1980) e dell'abate parroco dell'epoca, monsignor Guglielmo Grassi (1868-1954). I primi responsabili della struttura furono gli adepti del nuovo ordine religioso dei Piccoli discepoli di Gesù, che curavano la gestione anche della adiacente tipografia Santa Lucia, il tutto con il patrocinio di Zaccaria Negroni e dell'abate parroco.

After the Second World War the oratory became again an important point of reference for all the youth of the Sea: Zaccaria Negroni, former senator, the bishop of Albano Raffaele Macario (1966-1977) and the abbot parish priest Monsignor Giovanni Lovrovich became authors of the enlargement of the Oratory, which assumed its current dimensions with the construction of the central building with the internal chapel and the two playing fields.

The new Oratory ...


We offer a wide range of activities to meet the needs of children and adults, come and visit us.


Guitar Music WorkshopI invite you to participate, you can contact me at cell. 334.5367888 by Valter


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